Discharge from the penis during erection in men: causes, normal discharge

Discharge from the genital organ of a man can reveal his male health, the presence of diseases of the genitourinary system. Often discharge is the only or one of the symptoms of a serious illness, so you need to pay close attention to it, observe changes in color, smell, consistency, etc.

Discharge from the male genital organ refers to all discharge from the urethra, sebaceous and skin glands, prostate ducts, and ejaculatory duct.

Depending on the nature of their occurrence, they are divided into physiological and pathological.

The latter appear as a result of the development of an infectious, inflammatory or other disease of the prostate, bladder or other organ of the genitourinary system.


In most cases, the clear discharge in humans is libidinal or physiological urethralrhea. This is the secret of the transparent color that is secreted by the urethral glands. The secret flows from the urethra, usually at the time of arousal. The purpose of the secretion is to lubricate the ducts before letting the semen pass.

The amount of urethrorrhea excreted may be insignificant or quite abundant. It depends on the period of sexual abstinence, as well as the individual characteristics of the man. After prolonged abstinence from sex, a small amount of semen may be released with the urethra, which will change its color.

It should be noted that in the event that the amount of discharge has become more than usual, it is necessary to consult a doctor, since such a phenomenon may indicate the development of the disease.


Smegma, also called a preputial lubricant, is secreted by glands located on the foreskin. The purpose of the secret is to reduce the friction between the glans and the foreskin. Smegma constantly stands out. During puberty it may be more, with old age - less.

The smegma is made up of fat and bacteria. It accumulates under the inner layer of the foreskin. If you follow daily hygiene procedures, the secret is easily washed away.

From there it changes color from transparent white to yellow or green. An unpleasant odor appears.


Semen refers to the physiological secretions of the male genital organ. Usually, semen is a mixture of secretions from the gonads and semen, secreted during intercourse or masturbation.

Although men also face an involuntary secretion of sperm, called wet dreams. Most often, they occur in adolescent boys, around the time of puberty or with prolonged abstinence.

Involuntary ejaculation occurs at night or in the morning because it is associated with the production of testosterone.

Natural male secretions also include urine, which can be light, yellow, or light brown in color, and secretions from the prostate. The specific smell of semen will help distinguish prostatorrhea.

The discharge is thick and whitish.

Changes in the amount of discharge, its color and smell, as well as the appearance of cloudiness or mucus may be the first symptom of prostatitis or cancer.

The discharge during arousal in men is secreted by the sex glands.

  • Cooper's glands. They are located above the bulb of the spongy body of a man's penis. It is a paired organ of spherical shape. These glands cannot be palpated (felt) unless they are inflamed and enlarged. Cooper's glands have excretory ducts that open into the urethra. This is where they secrete their secret during sexual arousal. This is due to the contraction of the muscles of the perineum.
  • Littré glands. Small glands located throughout the urethra. Available for men and women. Designed to hydrate the urethra and maintain an alkaline reaction in it. In some men, these glands are absent, which is not a pathology, since it does not significantly affect sexual and reproductive function.

Different men release different volume of fluid when aroused. It depends on several factors:

  • activity of the sex glands;
  • the age of the man;
  • the degree of sexual arousal;
  • duration of sexual arousal;
  • the length of abstinence before the planned intercourse.

Some men have no discharge when aroused. In other members of the stronger sex, up to 5 ml of precum may be observed for a short time before coitus.

An erection is accompanied by the release of pre-ejaculate mucus, directly from the ejection of the semen, and also in the secretions there may be a small amount of a secretion constantly produced by the gland next to the glans head. penis, the smegma.

Physiological norms are determined by the nature and amount of discharge, their physical indicators, as well as the absence of painful and unpleasant sensations in the urethra and on the head of the penis.

  • Pre-ejaculate - colorless, transparent, practically odorless and has a consistency of medium viscosity. Its discharge is not accompanied by pain, does not cause discomfort and does not interfere with sexual intercourse. The amount of gelatinous mucus directly depends on the degree of arousal, the more lubricant there is before the onset of intimacy, the stronger the erection and the brighter the sensation during orgasm.
  • Semen is a product made by the sex glands and normally begins to be secreted at the height of arousal with a full erection. Contains semen, protein structures, biologically active substances. Normally the color ranges from white to milk, the consistency is moderately viscous and has a specific odor. The amount depends largely on the nature of a man's diet, the degree of his sexual activity and the frequency of intimate contact. The semen is expelled during ejaculation from the urethra, and its advance facilitates the presence of lubrication. After ejaculation, the erection weakens and goes away under normal conditions.
  • Smegma is constantly secreted and accumulates in the folds covering the glans penis, so that a small amount is contained in all the secretions - lubricant, urine and semen of a man. It is a fatty substance with a whitish tint, quite thick and dense in appearance. The release of smegma intensifies when wearing tight underwear, sparse water procedures, with errors in nutrition. It is a habitat and reproduction of bacteria, so it should be removed regularly. Subject to personal hygiene, the smegma is almost invisible, and does not cause discomfort to a man. When erect, it penetrates the lubricant and semen, changing their color and consistency.

Under normal conditions, all discharges during erection are physiological in nature, do not cause inconvenience and do not cause problems for men in appearance, color, smell and amount. Problems arise when structures with atypical characteristics begin to stand out.


A man can independently assess the degree of correspondence between the discharge during arousal and the appearance of an erection. The main evaluation criteria are the absence of unpleasant odor and impurities, transparent or whitish shades, moderate density.

With minor deviations from the norm, it should also be taken into account that the nature of the normal discharge depends on the frequency of sexual intercourse, with rare connections the amount of secretion increases. The standards for the amount of released liquid depend on the degree of excitement and are also determined by individual characteristics.

The spicy smell of erectile discharge does not always indicate illness. Eating salty, smoked, spicy foods can cause a change. The presence of bad habits in a man reduces the amount of fluid released during an erection, and also worsens biochemical and biological indicators.

Parents of adolescents should prepare future men for the fact that at this age erections and nocturnal emissions will begin, which will be accompanied by secretions. This is normal, should not cause anxiety or fear, and has nothing to do with the guy's prohibited actions.

The volume of fluid that should be released in an excited state of a man is different. The physiology of the body affects a lot. Everyone knows their measure if they take care of themselves regularly. But if there is a change in the amount and nature of the mucus, it is important to see a doctor. After finding out the reason in a timely manner, you can really avoid the problems. In most cases, such changes signal pathology, although there are exceptions.

If a man has not had sex for a long time, the discharge during an erection increases significantly. In addition, they become thicker than usual. And it looks a little darker. In this case, it is important that there is no yellow tint and blood elements. The norm of a man's secrecy during arousal should correspond to the following characteristics:

  • transparent aqueous color;
  • without a pronounced unpleasant odor;
  • medium density.

It is important to consider that this male discharge is influenced by lifestyle and physical illnesses. If a gentleman refrains from intimacy with a woman for a long time, it will certainly affect the selection. Bad habits and eating habits are also risk factors. Constant stress and emotional breakdowns lead to weakened immune system and weakness of the body.

Sometimes a discharge from the penis with strong arousal leads to stool. From a physiological point of view, this is the norm. But the situation should not be frequent.

A natural reaction to non-observance of intimate hygiene is the appearance of smegma. This special type of discharge occurs in the folds of the skin near the head of a man's penis. Usually, smegma causes inflammation or infections.

Why mucus is formed

Under normal conditions, discharge in men during an erection is associated with the formation and release of pre-ejaculate - a transparent viscous liquid in a small amount. It has nothing to do with premature ejaculation, and the purpose of the lubricant is to neutralize the acidic environment in the urethra and vagina.

Nature has set the purpose of intercourse is the fertilization process, and certain conditions are required for the normal movement and maintenance of sperm. It is to create the optimal environment that a transparent secret is allocated. A small amount of sperm is contained in the pre-ejaculate, which should be taken into account to avoid unplanned pregnancy.

Secretion of mucus occurs during erection during foreplay with a partner, with spontaneous nocturnal and morning arousal and masturbation. The second purpose of the pre-ejaculate is to lubricate the mucous membrane of the urethra to facilitate the release and passage of sperm, so that the process of ejaculation is not accompanied by unpleasant and painful sensations.

Thus, the discharge during an erection of a small amount of moderately viscous and completely transparent mucus is quite normal, indicating the proper functioning of the genitourinary system and a good level of potency.

Functions of male lubricant

  1. Creation of an alkaline reaction in the urethra. Urine is acidic. Like genital fluids, it also passes through the urethra. But the acidic environment is detrimental to the sperm. Therefore, before intercourse, the pre-ejaculate is secreted into the urethra, which has an alkaline reaction.
  2. Creation of an alkaline environment in the vagina. Discharge in men, observed during arousal, during intercourse, enters the genital tract of a woman. There, male lubrication offers the most favorable conditions for the subsequent passage of sperm.
  3. Facilitates the introduction of the penis into the vagina. The male discharge performs the same function as the female lubricant. It allows you to avoid trauma to the mucous membrane of the genital tract during coitus.

Pathological discharge

A man should be alerted to the appearance of an unnatural type of discharge:

  • color change, the formation of dirty green, yellow and gray shades may indicate the presence of pathogenic bacterial flora;
  • lumps, gravel, the appearance of clots in the form of white flakes indicates the possible presence of sexually transmitted diseases;
  • blood in urine or semen is a bad sign and may indicate the presence of an injury or the progression of cancer;
  • impurities from pus indicate with absolute accuracy the inflammatory processes in the genitourinary system;
  • pain, burning, discomfort, unpleasant odors and itching are detected both with skin lesions and infections, as well as with non-observance of basic personal hygiene;
  • increased discomfort during urination is often associated with the development of an extensive inflammatory process.

It is risky to find out the cause of the change in the composition of the discharge from the penis yourself. A man should see a doctor as soon as possible to make a thorough diagnosis and eliminate the source of the problem. It is forbidden to start taking drugs, especially from the group of antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, to eliminate the symptoms.

What if there is too much discharge?

First of all, you need to make sure that it is exactly the pre-ejaculate. The liquid should be:

  • completely transparent;
  • odorless;
  • free from pus and blood impurities.

If the discharge has appeared recently or its number has increased significantly recently, this may indicate an inflammatory process in the genitals. Do not wait for other symptoms to appear - many genital infections have a subclinical course, without significant subjective signs. You should see a doctor and take a urethral swab for sexually transmitted infections.

There are also herbal preparations that show similar activity against the 5-alpha reductase enzyme. The most commonly used extract of saw palmetto. There are many drugs in pharmacies that contain this component.

Can you get an infection?

There is an opinion that it is possible to get infected with a sexually transmitted infection from a man only if intercourse ended with ejaculation in the woman's vagina. This is because some pathogens are found in higher concentrations in semen (eg HIV). However, most microorganisms live in a man's urethra and are therefore able to enter a woman's vagina, even if intercourse did not end with ejaculation.

The discharge in humans, when excited, also contains cells of infectious agents. First, because they pass through the bacterial urethra. Second, the glands themselves can be involved in the inflammatory process. Littré's glands are almost always affected in gonorrhea. Cooper's glands are also often targeted by pathogenic microorganisms.


The presence of normal discharge during the appearance of an erection in men is a kind of indicator of health. It is important to understand the limits of the norm and, in the event of an alarming deviation, to consult a doctor quickly. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate.

Is it possible to get pregnant?

You cannot get pregnant because of male lubrication. It does not contain semen. Even if it contains single sperm, it will not cause pregnancy. To conceive a child, the body fluid that a man secretes in the vagina must contain at least 40 million sperm.

An exception is when a man has recently had sex. Then sperm can remain in his genital tract. She is able to enter the vagina with pre-ejaculate, which pushes the sperm out during the next intercourse.

It is also dangerous for a man to disturb orgasm if he hardly experiences any pleasurable sensations during ejaculation. In this case, the pre-ejaculate can be mistaken for the ejaculate, resulting in an unwanted pregnancy. However, the actual discharge in men, which is observed during their sexual arousal before ejaculation, is not dangerous from this point of view.